FINE ART ATELIER: 13 | Jokulsarlon Bergletts
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There is a rule in landscape photography that should never be forgotten: don't put off taking a photograph now, hoping it will still be there later on. In Iceland, I asked a number of photographers if they wanted to walk down the lagoon to see what we could find. Our plan was to stay at the lagoon overnight as it wasn't going to be completely dark at any stage and we had a near-full moon. So we had plenty of time, but no one was interested. I walked down by myself and this is what I found.
We returned to the lagoon a couple of days later and, after seeing a rough edit of this photo, everyone wanted to walk down the lagoon. Unfortunately, when we reached this spot, the wind had shifted and the berglettes had drifted away. So, I was lucky, but it reinforced my view that we shouldn't put off until tomorrow what we know we should do today!
FINE ART ATELIER: 13 | Western Macdonnells
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The Western Macdonnells lies west of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, Australia. We were staying at Glen Helen Gorge on a very hot December day and while the best place to be was inside with the air conditioning turned on, I found myself outside with Bruce Pottinger looking for images. Despite the heat and the blue sky to the east, there was a storm brewing in the west. It passed through quite quickly, but only after soaking Bruce and me! However, the light that followed was quite amazing...
What you are seeing in this movie is a series of steps from the basic capture to the final rendering. The steps are not necessarily the quickest way to create the image, rather they follow the thought process of discovering the image through colour, contrast and exposure. Two quite separate processes are involved: that of pre-visualising the image, and that of rendering it in Photoshop.
KNOWLEDGE: 13 | Composition - Part I
What Will You Photograph?
Content Selection

POST PRODUCTION: 13 | Sharpening in Photoshop
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Sharpening your photographs is something that is part art, par science. This movie will show you the basics of image sharpening, explain the science sharpening (so you know how it works), and then give you some suggestions as to how to best sharpen your image files.
LOCATION SURVEY: 13 | Papua New Guinea
Looking across to Rabaul's volcano from Kokopo.

The volcano, Rabaul (near Kokopo)
Isn't PNG Dangerous?

Tuk Tuk - Papua New Guineans in tribal dress, Rabaul, PNG

Peter Eastway on location, Rabaul. Don't leave your camera bag on the ground like this
without zipping it up, the fine volcanic dust is murder for your cameras!
The Volcano

Canoe on remote Trobriand island - all hand-made!
The Trobriand Islands
Visiting PNG
PHOTO ADVICE: 13 | Critique Session
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During the production of the Landscape Photography MasterClass, some of our early subscribers kindly provided some images for critique and review. This has turned into a very popular part of each MasterClass and we have received many complimentary comments about how useful the Critique Session is.Of course, there are no absolutes in photography and so what you view in this movie is really just one photographer's opinion about another photographer's work. However, hopefully the advice and observations can be helpful in improving your own photography.
BUSINESS ACUMEN: 13 | Print Sizes and Surfaces

Image Size
Big Print Compromise
Paper Surface
These days, I aim for at least 180 ppi for my prints when making larger sizes. For prints up to A2, I just output the full resolution file and let the printer work with all the pixels, using what is needed. This is not necessarily considered the 'optimum' way to print, but it's what I do.
Sometimes I get orders for older photographs that were shot on small resolution files and so I might print with as few as 100 ppi. And there are apps and programs that will up-size your files and I have used these with variable results.